Hosted by Brianna Rae Quinn, ARTroversy is an occasional deep-dive into artistic scandals, controversies, and drama from across the ages.
4 episodes
Episode 4 - Censorship
It's been a while, and there's nothing that gets me back into podcasting quite like a topic I am stupidly passionate about!In this episode, I will be providing my wildly biased thoughts on censorship of media including books, visual art...
Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 3 - The Fountain
Marcel Duchamp is our topic today as we dive into his "intentionally disruptive" piece "The Fountain" and how it completely changed the post-modernist art world. We'll also open up into the discussion of "what is art?" and who gets to decide th...
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 2 - Tracing the RIGHT Way
Tracing is a seriously hot-button issue. It might even be the most popular "unpopular" opinion in every YouTube video I've seen. In this episode, we take a look at Butch Hartman and the ethics of tracing -- is it ever okay? And what are the rul...
Season 1
Episode 2
Episode 1 - Artemisia Gentileschi
Brianna Rae Quinn is starting her first-ever podcast! She starts out with a brief introduction to the purpose and direction of the new project, before sharing a deep dive into some of the famous works of Artemisia Gentileschi and the dark event...
Season 1
Episode 1